It's 7 Quick Takes Friday! How was your week?
Apparently there's a whole "Kids Meet" series, and if you liked this one I recommend "Kids Meet a Plastic Surgeon" and "Kids Meet a Body Builder."
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For the past several years, people who come to visit us have been kind enough to sleep on a mattress on the floor in our partially finished basement, which is basically one step up from couchsurfing in college. But I'm pleased to announce that we now have a fully functional guest bed!
We moved the mattress upstairs and I scored a great deal on a bed frame and a box spring for it on Facebook Marketplace. I was really proud of myself.
And this isn't a sponsored post or anything, but let me say how much I love Facebook Marketplace. Our dishwasher, fridge, and microwave are all from there (and they've lasted longer than the brand new appliances they replaced). Even the last car we bought was from Facebook Marketplace, and we got a nice deal on it, too.
I guess it's a generational thing, but young people just don't use a flat sheet under their blanket anymore. I've begged my kids for years to start using one, because I think it's frankly disgusting not to have a sheet as a barrier between you and the comforter. After all, sheets are easy to wash frequently and comforters are not.
But the kids resisted my attempts to domesticate them, and I started questioning whether this was really the hill I wanted to die on. I quietly admitted defeat, and tried not to think about it too much or I would throw up in my mouth.
Until I got up one morning to find one of the kids sleeping on the guest bed from Take #1. I hadn't yet outfitted the bed with sheets, so they'd dragged their comforter over and were sleeping ON THE BARE MATTRESS without a top or bottom sheet! I lost it and we had a family meeting that night.
I clearly outlined 4 facts for the kids:
- The average person sweats 6.5 ounces every night.
- Their large comforters cannot fit in our old-style washing machine.
- The high-capacity washers at the laundromat cost $8.25 per load.
- They can either start using a flat sheet under their comforter, or I will start driving them to the laundromat twice a month so they can wash their comforters with their own money.
They're all using top sheets now.
I saw this online and laughed because this has literally happened to us.
Phillip and I must have been parents longer than this guy, though, because when our kids lost the remote we didn't even bother looking. We knew they'd just lose it again immediately.
The remote was missing for months or maybe even years, until one day we were moving the couches to the other side of the room and the remote fell out. We were pretty excited to have it back again, but it disappeared within two days.
Guess how much time we're going to spend looking for it.
I've been concerned about my 10-year-old's growth for forever. Even though his pediatrician assures me he's small but within the range of normal, something seems weird to me about the way he can't put on weight and height even when he tries. Add to that how kids randomly complain about aches and pains and being tired, and I've gotten to wondering over the last few years if a food allergy could actually be to blame.
Now, I don't run my kids to the doctor about every little thing, but I finally decided to take him to an allergist and ask for a skin test. I didn't have an airtight reason to suspect a food allergy, but if we tested I could know once and for all and stop worrying about it.
The good news is, my son tested negative for all major food and environmental allergens. The bad news is that the allergist clearly thought I was an idiot for even coming in and made no real attempt to hide it.
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Basically my conversation with the allergist in his office. |
It was embarrassing, but whatever. At least my mind is at ease about the food allergies now.
Here's a fun video where kids talk to an ex-con. The kids roasted this guy without even meaning to. I'm surprised they didn't make him cry.
My 13-year-old usually gets up before me on weekdays for school, but one morning I woke up to find her collapsed on the couch wrapped in a blanket.
When I shook her shoulder, her eyes fluttered open. They focused on me, but they held zero hints that she had any comprehension of who or where she was. "What the freak?" she finally squeaked in a falsetto whisper. "I woke up at 6, what happened?"
The night before, she and I had been watching some funny videos of people waking up from anesthesia high as a kite, and she actually reminded me of them.
My oldest two have had their wisdom teeth out and were both disappointingly lucid when waking up, but maybe for this child I'll get it on video just in case.
Right now I'm in the middle of switching over my kids' clothes for the season, which sounds like an easy job unless you've done it before and then you know better.
It sounds easy: just swap the winter wardrobe for the summer wardrobe. It should take 15 minutes, tops. But the system quickly starts to break down. You can't do that, because kids will still need some warm clothes, even in the summer. After debating over how much to leave out, you start sorting the rest into piles: donate, keep for wearing next year, toss because they have holes or stains... before you know it, you're sitting on the floor surrounded by piles going, "Wait, which pile is which again? Why does my son have 3 million T-shirts and only 2 pairs of pants? No wonder he can't close his dresser. Ugh, I can't believe he never even wore this sweater, that was expensive!"
The best part is how you do all that work, and then for months afterward your kid keeps wearing a pair of highwater pants that snuck past you in the dirty laundry while you were in their room having a midlife crisis sifting through it all.