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It's 7 Quick Takes Friday! How was your week?
When my son was 5 years old, I started to get worried about his growth curve. We started counting calories, got special eating reward plates, and made him eat more at mealtimes, and he jumped way up on the charts. Of course, we got more and more lax over the years, and something keeps nagging at me again to start paying attention to it.
I made these inspirational art pieces with the girls at church this week, aren't they cute?
We combined this tutorial with this one, and it was a really easy project that turned out looking nice! Just make sure to use heavier paper like cardstock or artist's sketchbook paper, but all the other supplies you have at home already.
There's a gorgeous hike a few hours from us, and I just found out that it's also a beautiful place to go in the winter.
I actually like it more because there are no crowds and you don't have to pay to park.
Temperatures were above freezing, but still cold enough that it was a real problem when somehow the 10-year-old got water in both boots halfway through. Luckily, I was wearing two pairs of socks, so he replaced his wet socks with my extra pair and then slid his feet into empty Ziploc bags from the trail mix we'd brought with us before putting his wet boots back on. It worked well enough to keep them dry until we got back to the car.
At one of the frozen falls, we stopped to watch an ice climber pickaxing his way up the cliffs. We don't know anything about ice climbing, but I asked Phillip, "Do you think we should start yelling tips to him?"
Phillip shrugged. "It's not like he can stop us."
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Don't worry, we didn't say anything. |
The scenic overlooks had guardrails at the edges, and like usual most of them were covered in "Justin + Kim 7-6-22" and "Jack was here" type graffiti.
But this one in particular caught my eye:
I realize it was probably the work of a kid with a crush on his fourth grade teacher, but I prefer to think that Mrs. Corbett took her class on a field trip and just couldn't contain her rebellious streak.
Honestly, other than the winter hike which was nice, it's been a tough week. Phillip was gone for most of it on a work trip. I'm struggling with crippling inadequacy as it relates to my calling at church, kicking myself over a parenting decision I wish I'd made, tried and failed to help a friend with a project, and my 3rd grader's music class started learning to play the recorder. Basically, I want to crawl under a rock.
The kids have been super-helpful, both in terms of cooking dinner and giving hugs, and I appreciate that. Things will be fine, but I'm not sad to leave this week behind and start over again next week.
So guess what's back?
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1,800 calories fills up the thermometer; 200 more earns a bonus of 10 extra minutes of screen time the next day. |
We used a variation of this chart back when he was 5, but now that he's old enough to check the nutrition label (or Google "how many calories is in a banana?") and mark the chart himself, the user experience is way different.
For you, what is the worst part of grocery shopping? Is it finding all the items to put in the cart? Unloading them at the register? Unloading them into the car? For me, the most tiring part is carrying the bags into the house.
But I discovered something brilliant: the four kids and I can make a line all the way from the car to the kitchen counter, pass the bags down the line, and have everything inside in less than 30 seconds.
I'm trying to time my grocery shopping trips to end on Tuesdays when they get home from school, so hopefully the bucket brigade will become a regular thing.
I started listening to a new Spanish language learning podcast. It's for intermediate learners and I definitely don't catch everything, but I know I'm improving because (1) I can get the gist of what's being said and (2) my brain still feels okay after listening to a few episodes in a row.
Really, it used to be that after 15 minutes of trying to understand spoken Spanish I would get sleepy or feel like I needed to zone out and go to the fifth dimension for a while.
I think this is a good sign.